Architecture DESIGN - PLANNING - Construction MANAGEMENT - zoning ANALYSIS


MY mission to passionately create and implement clear, simple and honest designs that provide long lasting benefits.

We shape culture and society through the practice and critical study of art, architecture and design. Benefiting from its New York location, the firm practices lifelong creative work by cultivating innovation, community engagement, and social and environmental responsibility.

As an architecture and design practice, we believe in fostering the excellence of our team and the clients. We cultivate intellectual curiosity and risk taking, collaboration and innovation, compassion and integrity. We value sustainability and believe that as a creator and catalyst of design, we have a unique ability and an ethical responsibility to shape a culture that is more environmentally responsible. We understand the importance of creative economies and the role of artists, designers and  architects solving social, cultural, environmental, and economic problems.

When it comes to making a lasting impression, it’s crucial to use the right combination of images, graphics, colors, and animation to create a purposeful and visually appealing design that also tells a story. We’re highly committed to visual quality as well as usability, and work with all of our clients on their projects regardless of the size and complexity.



Our Planning and Conceptual Design process provides the foundation for a sound strategy that reflects the unique, core business objectives of a client’s organization while supporting the functional demands of those occupying and using the space. Through our planning process, we are able to gather “big picture” insights as well as a detailed understanding of particular needs.


With more than 25 years of experience, we specialize in the development, planning, design, construction, and administration of new construction, and renovation projects. Building off the Planning and Conceptual  Design phase, our team develops Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Documents for achieving the  cultural and functional goals for review and comment by the Client. Robert Proffitt Architect works with the Clients to arrive at a scope that reflects their goals while working within their budget. 

zoning ANALYSIS services

Our team understands how important it is for clients to create and implement a lasting value and visual impact. Our strategic, creative and technical experts are committed to solving the most complex challenges in the world of design and architecture. We understand how to keep the momentum, morale and quality of work high during the life of an intense project and have the knowledge, qualifications, communication skills and tools required ensuring this.